Date: 20 February 2017 - 10:30 a.m.
The webinar presented main outcomes and real examples deepens in the Renew-School project activities and studies. It focused on solutions and strategies for indoor air quality, thermal comfort and efficient ventilation systems with high level of integration in renovation projects for schools, particularly in completion to intervention for high performances building envelope and integration of RES.
- School buildings renovations across Europe: real projects and integrated solutions
Knotzer Armin - AEE-INTEC - coordinator of the Renew-School project
- Cooperation models and success processes to achieve sustainable retrofits of schools
Stefan Vanloon - PIXII Passiefhuis-Platform
- Winning concepts and technologies for school building renovations
Christian Anker Hviid - DTU
- Indoor environmental quality and learning in schools
Wargocki Pawel - DTU
- Opportunities for training and awareness raising for sustainable school projects
Micol Mattedi - HABITECH Trentino Technological Cluster
The RENEW SCHOOL Webinar video
The session organized in the framework of the RENEW-SCHOOL project (supported by the European Commission, with the aim of retrofitting a great amount of school buildings to highest nearly Zero Energy Buildings level, by promoting appropriate tools and measures, help to downsize the energy use significantly as well as create and secure comfortable conditions for the pupils and teachers. Sustainable school renovation actions base on following three focus points promoted by the project:
- Improvement of the building’s envelope by coating it with insulated prefabricated timber modules including wooden frame windows, solar shading and ventilation components.
- Improvement of the indoor environment quality (IEQ) by ventilating, passive cooling and daylight upgrading the classrooms.
- Improvement of the energy generation on site by using active renewable energy sources, beside the passive gains, integrated in the school buildings.
The webinar organized in cooperation with the end-use Efficiency Research Group of the Politecnico di Milano (eERG-PoliMI)