EXPO Milano 2015: On 12th of May 2015, Energy Department of the Politecnico di Milano, Holzcluster Steiermark and AEE INTEC organized “RENEW SCHOOL Techical Workshop” on Austrian pavilion. Workshop attended 45 participants from Italy, Austria and Slovenia, mostly companies, architects and public institutions.
-The advantages of public retrofits with wooden prefabricated elements
Armin Knotzer, AEE Institute for Sustainable Technologies, AT
-Plans of the Milano city about renovation and re-building of schools with wood components and systems
Maria ROZZA and Sergio ALDARESE, Municipality of Milano, IT
-Success factors and quality assurance in renovation projects with high level of prefabrication
Lorenzo PAGLIANO, eERG end-use Efficiency Research Group, Politecnico di Milano, IT
-Examples of high level of integration of ventilation and RES components in wooden elements and renovation projects
Michael TRIBUS, Michael Tribus Architecture, IT
-Practical experience and market situation for prefabricated wooden elements for retrofits
Gernot Weiss, Stora Enso WP Bad St. Leonhard ltd, AT