The workshop were held on 8th February 2017 in Graz. Workshop presented main outcomes and results on Developments of school building’s retrofit in Europe - financing, prefabrication, energy efficiency and ventilation.
Participiant visited Primary School Maria Grün in Graz and Primary School Hausmannstätten, and then participat on the international workshop in Graz:
Isabella Zwerger, Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology, Vienna/Austria
The importance of Indoor Air Quality and Danish examples of school buildings
Pawel Wargocki, Christian A. Hviid, DTU Civil Engineering, Lyngby/Denmark
Plus-energy-retrofit with prefabricated wooden elements – 2 German examples
Micha Illner, Fraunhofer IBP, Stuttgart/Germany
Financing and quality assurance process of school buildings in Belgium
Stefan Van Loon, Pixii, Berchem/Belgium
Service package „Sustainable Buildings” - how to support the realization of high quality public buildings
Dietmar Lenz, Umweltverband Vorarlberg, Dornbirn/Austria
Italian activities – the Municipality of Milano goes for timber prefabrication
Sergio Aldanese, Municipality Milano/Italy
School building’s architecture - Slovenian and international examples
Jure Kotnik, ARHITEKTURA JURE KOTNIK, Ljubljana/Slovenia