RENEW SCHOOL International Workshop – Developments of school building’s retrofit in Europe

RENEW SCHOOL International Workshop – Developments of school building’s retrofit in Europe

The workshop were held on 8th February 2017 in Graz. Workshop presented main outcomes and results on Developments of school building’s retrofit in Europe - financing, prefabrication, energy efficiency and ventilation.

Participiant visited Primary School Maria Grün in Graz and Primary School Hausmannstätten, and then participat on the international workshop in Graz:

Isabella Zwerger, Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology, Vienna/Austria

The importance of Indoor Air Quality and Danish examples of school buildings
Pawel Wargocki, Christian A. Hviid, DTU Civil Engineering, Lyngby/Denmark

Plus-energy-retrofit with prefabricated wooden elements – 2 German examples
Micha Illner, Fraunhofer IBP, Stuttgart/Germany

Financing and quality assurance process of school buildings in Belgium
Stefan Van Loon, Pixii, Berchem/Belgium

Service package „Sustainable Buildings” - how to support the realization of high quality public buildings
Dietmar Lenz, Umweltverband Vorarlberg, Dornbirn/Austria

Italian activities – the Municipality of Milano goes for timber prefabrication
Sergio Aldanese, Municipality Milano/Italy

School building’s architecture - Slovenian and international examples
Jure Kotnik, ARHITEKTURA JURE KOTNIK, Ljubljana/Slovenia

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