Building professionals as architects, planners, construction companies and craftsmen should know how to design and use the technologies needed for high quality school renovations in RENEW SCHOOL way – please find support here …
1. Technologies and tools for school renovations
- Lessons learned from frontrunner buildings
- Frontrunners Database
2. Advising cooperation and financing models for school renovations - QUESTIONNAIRE
- School’s financial signpost
- Description of advanced cooperation models and financial schemes
- School’s technological signpost
- Description of advanced renovation technologies
- Cooperation models and recommendations
- Owners and Industries needs report
3. Trainings for building professionals
- Announcements about the technical events for professionals
- List of past events for professionals
- Training design
4. National Contact Points for advising school renovation technologies
5. Links to other resources of renovation concepts/materials/technologies
Users of Schools
Information and service for school users like pupils, teachers, caretakers and principals. Good indoor climate -> health and well-being!
Owners of schools
The school owners and financiers like municipalities, local, regional and national governments or companies managing them.