

The BUILD UP initiative was established by the European Commission in 2009 to support EU Member States in implementing the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD).

Catalogue of reviewed timber building components for thermal, acoustic, fire performance requirements and ecological drivers.

Free info service for professional wood users.

Central forum of timber construction in Germany.

Italian certification system conceived and created exclusively for buildings whose timber buildings is in timber.

Slovenian portal about building with wood.

The world's most visited architecture website.

Profiles of Selected Architects.

Flemish information portal about high-quality school building projects.

Flemish pilot project "24 schools according to the passive house standard".

Building with wood Forum, dedicated to architecture and wood construction events and knowledge databases.

Swedish portal for Wood Building Architectures.

Austrian portal for Architects

Polish Energy Auditors Association

Energy Efficient Public Buildings LEMUR (a subsidy source for Poland)

Wood for good is the UK's wood promotion campaign. It aims to promote the suitability and sustainability of wood as a building material to the construction and logistics sectors and associated professionals such as architects and design engineers.

Research for Energy Optimized Buildings
"Buildings of the future" is the guiding concept behind EnOB – research for energy-optimised building. The research projects sponsored by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology involve buildings that have minimal primary energy requirements and high occupant comfort, with moderate investment costs and significantly reduced operating costs.


Ventilation, cooling and strategies for high performance school renovations
The project “School Vent Cool” develops different high performance renovation strategies for school buildings. New solutions for ventilation systems, natural cooling and application of prefabricated modules were investigated.

Prefabricated timber based building system for improving the energy efficiency of the building envelope.
The project aims at developing a method for the energetic modernisation of the building envelope, based on woodframed prefabricated facade elements.

BMWi accompanying research energy efficient schools (EnEff: School)
The research project "Energy-efficient school (EnEff: School)", the "(EnOB) energy-optimized construction", aims to bring together and represent all activities in the field of energy-efficient school renovation.

Promoting renovation of schools in a mediterranean climate up to nearly zero-energy buildings
ZEMedS actions are mainly addressed to involve and commit 2 target groups, school policy makers and building designers, by providing technical and financial assistance on nZEB renovation of schools in Mediterranean climates, and giving support in succeeding in implementing school renovation with nZEB goals.

Towards Zero Emission with High Performance Indoor Environment
The aim of the FP7 “School of the Future” project is to design, demonstrate, evaluate and communicate shining examples of how to reach the future high performance building level.

Valuable EneRgY for a smart School
CIP VERYSchool project will develop customised energy savings strategies and ICT solutions for EU schools. VERYSchool will integrate smart LED lighting, smart metering, BEMS, energy simulation and energy action management software into a platform called the "Energy Action Navigator" and demonstrate it in four Pilot locations scattered in Europe.

Innovative lean processes and cooperation models for planning, production and maintenance of urban timber buildings
The main goal is to develop new cooperation and process models for prefabricated timber construction. “lean” represents the lean handling of processes and the efficient and effective coordination of all participants. This could be the significant collaboration needed to improve productivity in industrialized timber construction.

Step by step renovation toward nearly zero energy sport buildings
The STEP-2-SPORT project aims to support the refurbishment of the existing sport buildings through step by step renovation towards Nearly Zero Energy Buildings (NZEB).

Cost Efficient Options and Financing Mechanisms for nearly Zero Energy Renovation of existing Buildings Stock
CERtuS is a project involving Municipalities, energy service companies and financing entities from all economically stricken Southern European countries. It aims to facilitate EU Directives for increasing the number of nearly zero-energy buildings in the public sector.

Major reduction of energy use in non residential Buildings
Project aims to demonstrate that large scale energy performance improvements in existing non-residential buildings can satisfy profitability demands set by the building owner/investor and thus become a market driver for major refurbishment of existing buildings towards Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings.

Nearly-Zero Energy Building Strategy 2020
The project monitor the market transition to nZEBs across Europe and create an observatory, thereby
generating data and evidence for policy evaluation and optimisation, via online tracking tools. It will also derive recommendations and strategies for the building industry and policy makers to accelerate the market uptake of nZEBs.

UMBRELLA Business Model Innovation for High Performance Buildings Supported by Whole Life Cycle Optimisation
Optimising energy efficiency in buildings is often a management issue and not one of design. Decision support tools, providing information with respect to a buildings energy consumption and methods for implementation and incentivisation of the solutions, benefiting all stakeholders involved are required. UMBRELLA address this issue through the development of a web-based decision-support application, which provides independent evaluation tools built around adaptable business models..

European Commission - Intelligent Energy Europe Programme
Intelligent Energy – Europe creates better conditions for a more sustainable energy future in areas as varied as renewable energy, energy-efficient buildings, industry, consumer products and transport.

E2ReBuild, Industrialised energy efficient retrofitting of resident buildning in cold climate, is a European collaboration project, researching and demonstrating industrialised energy efficient retrofitting of residential buildings in cold climates.

BUILD UPON is the world’s largest collaborative project on building renovation with  aims to create a renovation revolution across Europe by helping countries to deliver strategies for renovating their existing buildings.

Austrian Research and Technology program House of the Future

naturally:wood is a comprehensive information resource that brings together the latest, most reliable data about wood performance, green building and life cycle assessment, as well as British Columbia’s wide variety of forest products, manufacturers, sustainable forest practices, certification of forests, wood products and more.

Wood2New is a European collaboration project funded under the WoodWisdom-Net ERA-NET+ scheme. The project aims to reinforce, stimulate and improve the competitiveness of wood-based interior products and systems.

reThink Wood initiative aims to project a unified front and present a common message as it relates to wood performance, cost and sustainability, making it easier for the industry to speak with a cohesive voice and educate about the advantages of using wood in building.

The main objective of the project is to facilitate confident design of durable and therefore cost-effective solutions for tall timber facades. Moisture safe envelopes will be enabled by a risk based design tool taking into account exposure and vulnerability of façade components and systems consistently.