International Sustainable Energy Conference - ISEC 2018 will be held 3 – 5 October 2018 in Graz, Austria
The conference will focus on Renewable Heating and Cooling in Integrated Urban and Industrial Energy Systems.
Preliminar Program:
3 October 2018: Technical tour to demonstration plants
4 October 2018: Conference and workshops
5 October 2018: Conference
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Renew School Training on “Sustainable building and refurbishment with Wood in Croatia”
On 28th of February 2017 Holzcluster Steiermark together with Austrian office for foreign trade in Zagreb, Austrian Ministry for Agriculture and Croatian chamber for Architects organized in Zagreb/Croatia a technical event with a focus on Building with wood - divided into three panels: 1) Architecture meets building with wood; 2) Retrofit is a building task...
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RENEW SCHOOL Workshop – Sistemi costruttivi innovativi per la riqualificazione degli edifici pubblici, 27.2.17, Gorizia, Italia
Sistemi costruttivi innovativi per la riqualificazione degli edifici pubblici: il progetto Renew School, aspetti energetici e strutturali per la sua applicazione Lunedì 27 febbraio 2017 Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Gorizia Via Carducci 2, Gorizia, Italia
Il workshop è gratuito. Per iscriversi QUI Il workshop si inserisce all’interno del progetto...Diversity in School Design ‐ A review on the interviews in the RENEW SCHOOL project
Diversity in School Design ‐ Is there a better place to drive change than in school?
A review on the interviews in the Renew School project
Author: Sonja Geier
The renovation of school buildings is a major challenge for cities, municipalities and education offices. Ambitious energetic goals are...
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